Well, as you may or may not know, I'm writing for the website www.blogomatic3000.com who sent me to the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World premier. When you write for websites, it's usually via email or Twitter that you talk to the people, not face-to-face. So when you get the chance to meet the people behind the website you're writing for, and there's free tickets to The London Film Museum in honour of the meet up, you can't say no!
So, on the gloomy day of late August, I headed for London and I found Phil and Kat on Westminster Bridge where we were greeted with torrential rain and a broken umbrella. It was also the wrong day to wear a dress easily effected by the powers of mother nature - I must have flashed half of London trying to hold an uncontrollable umbrella, a bag and a phone all at once.
When we finally found Jack waiting somewhere completely different to where we thought we were meeting, we finally made it inside. Here's a few delights from inside The London Film Museum which will give you a little film fix showing memorabilia from all sorts of films:
Queen Elizabeth and I are like this *Crosses Fingers"
Oh, Herrow!
He's such a Pre-Madonna!
This Yeti is kind of cute, no?
You do what he says.
After this, we went for drinks in Leicester Square where we were surrounded by all the FrightFest goers. I was SO jealous of them, really must get tickets for next year's festival. If you've never heard of it, it's a festival dedicated to horror movies. Yeah, you do get the odd crazy one but it's all part of life, right? Speaking of crazy, we had a lovely drunken guy come over to our table and declare I was Peggy Sue and Kat was all of The Spice Girls... Interesting.
We were also joined by the lovely Ben Mortimer who shared some juicy secrets... No wait, he didn't! He just teased us with the idea of them. Oh well, I guess I'll just watch his space. Not as in his house, that's just creepy. But he did propose so we've got a mutual stalker appeal for each other. You know what I mean! Plus, I saw Chris Bistow for a bit who seemed to attract the drunken guy's attention the most by causing the guy grab his arm and move it about.
Don't you love London?
In other news, The Film Obsession is doing well indeedy! I've gone past the 5000 viewers mark on the website, I have over 150 followers on Twitter and my YouTube channel has had over 4,500 views! Thank you SO much to all the readers and viewers, it's so incredible to have your support and to read your comments on things I do.